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Does Obesity Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

websitebuilder-hub • 3 January 2020
After what can be an unhealthy Christmas period, a lot of people make their annual resolutions to lose weight, exercise more and eat more healthily. Unfortunately, there resolutions are more often than not short lived, and we have seen rising obesity epidemics in many developed nations. For example, The National Center for Health Statistics estimates that, for 2015-2016 in the U.S., 39.8% of adults aged 20 and over were obese (including 7.6% with severe obesity) and that another 31.8% were overweight.

Obesity has several well-known dangerous outcomes such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea and high cholesterol. However, one side effect of obesity that is rarely discussed is erectile dysfunction (ED). There have been multiple studies conducted to see if obesity linked erectile dysfunction originates from a specific medical issue such as hormonal disturbances, or if it is more psychological or emotional distress related. We at Stays-Hard wanted to find out more and discover what are the causes of this and how we can help.

Obesity - Medical and Psychological Links to Erectile Dysfunction
According to Ira Sharlip, MD, spokesperson for the American Urological Association: “53% of men between the ages of 40-70 have some degree of erectile dysfunction.” Typical risk factors for erectile dysfunction are age, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, low testosterone, smoking, diabetes, along with a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. Any one of these risk factors can contribute towards erectile dysfunction but if we look at them in more detail, a number of these risk factors are also a cause or side effect of obesity. Research shows that men who are obese also suffer from erectile dysfunction, but it is unclear whether a high body mass index (BMI) and obesity cause erectile dysfunction or are just linked to the above risk factors.

If we look at two specific medical areas – blood vessels damage and testosterone levels, as well as the psychological impact, we can get a clearer picture of how obesity impacts erectile dysfunction.
To achieve an erection, the blood vessels leading to the penis need to dilate and fill with blood. This is dependent on the lining of the blood vessels releasing nitric oxide. If the blood vessels are damaged, this can interfere with the erection process and result in erectile dysfunction. Obesity can cause damage to blood vessels due to the associated hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia and inflammation, also potentially resulting in erectile dysfunction.

Another common risk factor for erectile dysfunction is low levels of testosterone, which again can be heavily linked to obesity. Appropriate levels of this testosterone are necessary to achieve erections and maintain a healthy sex drive. Testosterone levels can be affected by large amount of stomach fat. In males, abdominal fat will convert testosterone to estrogen interfering with proper hormonal balance. Weight loss will help; however, testosterone levels may not be affected quickly and erectile dysfunction may persist.

Finally, depression, body image concerns and self-esteem can be a huge contributor to anxiety around sexual performance and lead to erectile dysfunction. Obesity can magnify these psychological concerns and may impact even the most confident of men.

What to do next – the Stays-Hard device is here to help!
We at Stays-Hard believe that being sexually active and fulfilled is necessary for a happy, healthy life. If you have any of the above diseases, we recommend you see your doctor straight away for the right treatment. If you are suffering from obesity and erectile dysfunction, do not despair, with the right long-term action plan to eat healthily and exercise often, these issues can be resolved. 

In the short term, the Stays-Hard device is here to help, especially to help you overcome what can be a difficult psychological barrier and put some magic back into your love life. The Stays-Hard device is an erectile dysfunction support sleeve, also known as an external penile support device or penile splint. The Registered Class I Medical Device facilitates successful intercourse for those suffering from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and other similar conditions.

To further discuss the Stays-Hard device, or any of the issues raised above, please get in touch at and read the information available on our website

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